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Faculty Teaching & Learning Committee

Committee Purpose

The mission of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee is to provide effective professional teaching and learning opportunities as well as a supportive environment for faculty at 色中色.

The function of the Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee is to implement professional development opportunities for faculty from needs assessments and research through design, offerings, and evaluations. Subject matter may include, but is not limited to, instructional pedagogies, technology, best practices, and learning methods. The committee may also provide recommendations on such topics to other relevant campus constituents to foster innovation and creativity across campus.

The committee also aims to provide a space that supports faculty with both instructional and institutional procedures and give faculty a voice in future learning opportunities offered to them.



Meeting Dates: 2nd Monday of each month
Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual Meeting available via Zoom



Elizabeth Kemp (Co-chair)

Allyn Leon

Cerise Myers

Xochitl Tirado


Mardjan Shokoufi

Miguel Chavez

Peggy Brady

Rumaldo Marquez


Monica Minor

Fatima Villalobos

Ed Schueurell

Christopher Luna

  Ingrid Bairstow      


Efrain Silva 






Allyn Leon