Apply to DSP&S
Welcome potential DSP&S students! We thank you for your interest in our program and
we look forward to serving you! 
Please login to your WebSTAR account and then click on "Counseling," the DSP&S Application link will be at the
bottom of the page. Just click on "Apply to DSP&S" to access the application.
Apply Now!
- The student completes the DSPS Online Application.
- The student uploads their verifying documentation (Documentation Guidelines)
- The student will be contacted by a DSPS Staff member, and an interactive meeting will
be conducted with the students.
- The student’s Academic Accommodation Plan will be reviewed by their DSPS Counselor.
- You will have two weeks after you complete your DSPS Online Application to turn in
your verifying documentation.  
- After the student has been approved, the student will be assigned a counselor and
will have to meet with their DSPS counselor twice per semester. 
- Accommodation (s) is not an automated service, and students are required to request
accommodation (s) for each semester and each course they are enrolled in.  
- Students may not receive all the academic modifications or changes to curriculum and
services that have been outlined in their Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or
504 Plan.