If paying for a citation online, a $3.95 processing fee will be added to the citation.
You will need the citation number, the license plate number of the vehicle that received the citation, or the reference number on the notice that was mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle in order to process a payment online.
Citation can be paid for by logging on to:
If you are paying for a citation at the Parking Control Office, please have either the citation, citation number, or license plate number of the vehicle that received the citation.
Only payments by cash or check are accepted. Please make checks payable to Imperial Valley College and be sure to write the citation number down on the "memo" portion of the check.
If you are paying a citation through mail, please mail check or money orders only (mail cash at your own risk). Be sure to include the citation and be sure to write the citation number on the check or money order.
All payments should be sent to:
Attn: Parking Control Office
380 E. Aten Road
Imperial, CA. 92251