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Petition Regulations



Credit by Examination Petition Regulations 

  1. A student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.
  2. A student must be in good standing and have no financial obligations owed to Imperial Valley College (É«ÖÐÉ«).
  3. The course identified for Credit by Examination must be listed in the current É«ÖÐÉ« catalog.
  4. A student may complete Credit by Examination of an individual course only once.
  5.  A grade of incomplete (I) may not be assigned for Credit by Examination. Grade earned on Credit by Examination is final. Fees will not be refunded.
  6. Credit by Examination counts as an enrollment for repeatability purposes.
  7. Basic Skills courses, laboratory courses, physical education activity courses, and basic courses in the student’s native language are excluded from Credit by Examination consideration.
  8. Credit by Examination is not available where:
    1. The student has already completed a more advanced course in the discipline.
    2. The student has previously received an evaluative symbol grade (A, B, C, D, F, W, CR, P, NC or NP) for a course taken at É«ÖÐÉ« or another college.
    3. The student who has failed a Credit by Examination test cannot petition to retake the course by Credit by Examination.
  9. Grades issued upon completion of Credit by Examination will be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average and for determining scholarship awards.
  10. Credit by Examination shall only be processed during Fall or Spring semesters.
  11. The petition must be completed and submitted by the beginning of the fifth (5th) week of the semester and exam completed before the end of the semester.


Credit by Exam Student Procedures

  1. The student must meet with a counselor to discuss Credit by Examination eligibility, procedures, and regulations.
  2. The student must complete the Credit by Examination petition with the counselor. Each examination requires a separate petition form.
  3.  The student must complete the Course Identification and the Eligibility Determination sections with a counselor who will verify eligibility.
  4. The student is responsible for the payment of appropriate fees. Payment will be based on enrollment fee as outlined in the current É«ÖÐÉ« catalog.
  5. The student will attempt the Credit by Examination test in the place and at the time arranged with the instructor.


Industry Recognized Credentials Petition

Students seeking credit through evaluation of industry recognized credential must complete the CPL – Industry Recognized Credential Evaluation petition available with a counselor and requires a copy of the credential to be evaluated.

Prior to completing the CPL- Industry Recognized Credentials petition, students are encouraged to seek guidance from the academic department or a counselor. Not all courses are available for CPL credit. CPL is not advised for courses used to satisfy UC, ADT or University major prep requirements. Not all institutions honor CPL credits. Pass along will be at the discretion of the receiving institution.

CPL opportunities best correlate with the following academic disciplines:

  • Administration of Justice
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Cyber-Security
  • Industrial Technology
  • Fire Science
  • Health Occupations
  • Information Technology


Determination of Eligibility for Credit for Prior Learning Industry Recognized Credential Petition

  • The student must be in good standing and currently enrolled at the college.
  • Current students must have comprehensive student education plan on file.
  • The course is listed in the current É«ÖÐÉ« Catalog
  • The student is not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged
  • CPL units are not applicable to meeting of such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits.
  • CPL units shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.


Credit for Prior Learning Industry Recognized Credential Evaluation Petition Student Instructions:

  • The student submits the CPL – Industry Recognized Credential Evaluation Petition and a copy of the industry recognized credential documents to the counselor at the time of appointment. Industry recognized credential petition shall only be processed in Fall or Spring semesters.
  • The petition must be completed and submitted by the beginning of the fifth (5th) week of the semester and Industry Recognized Credential Evaluation completed before the end of the semester.


Credit for Prior Learning Industry Recognized Credential Evaluation Petition Faculty and Department Instructions:

  • The department chair or faculty designee will determine if the industry certification adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of Record. The appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the awarded credit.
  • Grading options must be in compliance with the Course Outline of Record.


Military Training Assessment Petition

Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for training completed in any branch of the US Military may complete the CPL – Military Training Assessment Petition and attach a copy of the Joint Services Transcript (JST).

Prior to completing the CPL- Military Training Assessment petition, students must first seek guidance from the military and veteran counselor to determine if the course is appropriate for military training credit. Next the student is advised to meet with a counselor to develop the comprehensive educational plan and determine that the course credit requested is applicable. Not all courses are available for CPL credit. CPL is not advised for courses used to satisfy UC, ADT or University major prep requirements. Not all institutions honor CPL credits. Pass along will be at the discretion of the receiving institution.

CPL opportunities best correlate with the following academic disciplines:

  • Administration of Justice
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Cyber-Security
  • Industrial Technology
  • Fire Science
  • Health Occupations
  • Information Technology

Determination of Eligibility for Credit for Prior Learning – Military Training Assessment:

  • The student must be in good standing and currently enrolled at the college. The student may earn a maximum of 12 units through CPL - Military Training Assessment. This is in addition to the 4 units earned for Basic Training.
  • Current students must have a comprehensive student education plan on file.
  • The course is listed in the current É«ÖÐÉ« catalog.
  • The student is not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged.
  • CPL units are not applicable to meeting of such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits.
  • CPL units shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.

Student Instructions:

  • Official transcript/s must be on file with the É«ÖÐÉ« Admissions and Records Office.
  • It is recommended that the student consult with the Military and Veteran department to determine if credit is appropriate.
  • The student must have a comprehensive student education plan on file and consult with a counselor to make sure the course credit requested is appropriate.
  • The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning – Military Training Assessment petition with the Military and Veteran Counselor and include copies of the JST transcript and the Comprehensive Educational Plan.
  • The Military and Veteran Counselor assists student in submitting the petition and documentation to the department chair or faculty designee for assessment of prior learning.
  • CPL Military Training petition shall only be available in Fall or Spring semesters.
  • The petition must be completed and submitted by the beginning of the fifth (5th) week of the semester and Military Training Assessment completed before the end of the semester.

Faculty and Department Instructions:

  • Evaluate the ACE Military Course Exhibit that corresponds to the training identified on the petition. Attach a copy of the ACE Military Course Exhibit with the petition.
  • Using the Military Course Exhibit, determine if the training adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of Record.
  • If the training is determined to adequately measure mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of Record, the appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the appropriate credit and forward for approval to the Department Chair and CPL Counselor.
  • Grading must be in accordance with the Course Outline of Record. Academic Services Instructions:
  • Once reviewed and approved the CPL Counselor will forward the petition to Admissions and Records for processing.

Admissions and Records Office Instructions:

  • Admissions and Records will notify the student of the outcome of the assessment and record the student’s decision to accept or refuse the credit.


Student-Created Portfolio Assessment Petition

Students interested in Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) using a student-created portfolio may seek course credit by completing the CPL – Portfolio Assessment Petition.

Prior to completing the CPL- Portfolio Assessment petition, students must first seek guidance from the counseling department department to determine if the course is appropriate for a portfolio assessment. Next the student is advised to meet with a counselor to develop the comprehensive educational plan and determine that the course credit requested is applicable. Not all courses are available for CPL credit. CPL is not advised for courses used to satisfy UC, ADT or University major prep requirements. Not all institutions honor CPL credits. Pass along will be at the discretion of the receiving institution.

CPL opportunities best correlate with the following academic disciplines:

  • Administration of Justice
  • Business Administration and Management
  • Cyber-Security
  • Industrial Technology
  • Fire Science
  • Health Occupations
  • Information Technology

Determination of Eligibility for Credit for Prior Learning

  • The student must be in good standing and currently enrolled at the college.
  • Current students must have a comprehensive student education plan on file.
  • The course is listed in the current É«ÖÐÉ« Catalog
  • The student is not currently enrolled in the course to be challenged
  • CPL units are not applicable to meeting of such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veterans, or Social Security benefits.
  • CPL units shall not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree.

Student Instructions:

  • The student must have a comprehensive student education plan on file and consult with a counselor to make sure the course credit requested is appropriate.
  • The student shall complete the Credit for Prior Learning assessment petition with a counselor who will assist student with petition submission.
  • The student will attach all appropriate portfolio documents with petition application for evaluation process.
  • CPL Portfolio petition shall only be available in Fall or Spring semesters.
  • The petition must be completed and submitted by the beginning of the fifth (5th) week of the semester and Portfolio assessment must be completed before the end of the semester.

Faculty Instructions:

  • The instructor may provide the student with portfolio requirements if desired.
  • Once the student has submitted the completed portfolio the instructor will review and assign appropriate credit, utilizing the attached Portfolio assessment rubric as an additional resource for assessing Student-created Portfolio. Credit must be in accordance with the Course Outline of Record.

Department Instructions:

  • If the department chair or faculty designee determine the student-created portfolio adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the Course Outline of Record, the appropriate faculty shall sign the petition with the appropriate credit and forward for approval to the Department Chair and CPL Counselor.

Academic Services Instructions:

  • Once reviewed and approved the CPL Counselor will forward the petition to Admissions and Records for processing.

Admissions and Records Office Instructions:

  • Admissions and Records will notify the student of the outcome of the assessment and record the student’s decision to accept or refuse the credit.