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Work-Based Learning

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Welcome to Work-Based Learning at 色中色! Our WBL Coordinator, along with the team at the Career Services Center, are here to support 色中色 teaching and non-teaching faculty as they enrich their curriculum and deepen classroom learning by embedding real-world educational experiences and applicable 21st Century Job Skills to prepare students for today's career opportunities. Read on to learn more about WBL and its advantages for students, faculty, and employers, or click through to view resources, see past and upcoming presentations, request individual support, and more.

What is Work-Based Learning?

Work-Based Learning provides students with the opportunity to connect what they are learning in the classroom to real world experiences. WBL encourages students to learn about work with career awareness and exploration, learn through work with practicum and internships, and learn for work with training and experiences directly related to a specific career field.

WBL exists on a continuum that reflects the progress of experiences from awareness-building to training. Students often cycle back through the continuum many times throughout college and throughout their career. Faculty play a critical role in ensuring these experiences are embedded into curriculum and support learning.


The WBL Continuum

 wbl continuum


Career Awareness & Exploration is learning about work and includes:

  • Guest speakers
  • Company tours
  • Field trips
  • Career Fairs
  • Mock Interviews

Career Interactions are learning through work:

  • Job shadows
  • Service learning
  • Class projects
  • Challenges
  • Mentorships

Career Training Experiences are learning for work:

  • Internships
  • Work Experience
  • Capstone Projects

WBL Advantages

For Students
  • Gain exposure to workplace environments and explore career options
  • Connect classroom learning to real-world experiences
  • Interact with industry related employers
  • Gain relevant experience and develop in-demand skills

For College and Faculty

  • Increased student enrollment
  • Grow the number of students who complete certificates/degrees
  • Integrate hands-on, work-related learning in academic instruction
  • Prepare students to meet in-demand needs of the labor market
  • Promote faculty interaction with industry
  • Support students in defining career goals, develop their motivation to learn, and enhance retention and academic success

For Employers

  • Promote company brand awareness
  • Gain access to a pipeline of qualified, motivated candidates to reduce recruitment costs and hiring risks
  • Involvement in college curriculum process through advisory committees
  • Collaborate with faculty to teach students desired industry skills
  • Improve training programs and increase employee retention rates


Need Assistance?

For more help or information, fill out our forms to or .