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EEO & Diversity Advisory Committee

Committee Purpose
The purpose of the EEO & Diversity Committee is to afford the campus community a chance to provide input and make recommendations regarding EEO, diversity, processes regarding staffing, recruitment, screening, about staffing-related issues and activities, and to take action upon recommendations from feeder subcommittees. The committee will make recommendations to the shared governance committees and/or the Superintendent/President and has the following broad categories of scope within its purview:
  • Policies and Procedures regarding diversity, EEO, non-discrimination, sexual harassment, complaint procedures, recruitment and screening.
  • EEO & Diversity multiple measures
  • EEO Plan
  • Staffing Plan

Meeting Dates: 3rd Monday of each month
Time: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: HR Conference Room Bldg. 2500), Virtual Meeting available via Zoom
Johanna Fisher, AVPHR (Chair) Benny Benavidez, Alternate Part-Time Faculty Representative
VACANT, (Co-Chair) Sheila Dorsey-Freeman, Confidential Representative
Vikki Carr, Educational Administrator Representative Cindy Morales, Alternate Confidential Rep
Wendy Prewett, Alternate Educational Administrator Representative Melody Chronister, Classified Administrator Representative
Ric Epps, Faculty Representative Jose "Bobby" Moreno, Alternate Classified Administrator Representative
Roxanne Morales, Alternate Faculty Representative Jocelyn Aguilar, Student Representative
VACANT, Alternate Faculty Representative Victoria Ochoa Student Representative
Jessica Prock, Classified Representative TBD, Alternate Student Representative
Silvia Murray, Classified Representative Martha Bandivas, Resource
Karina Redondo-Valdez, Alternate Classified Representative Gloria Arrington, Resource
Vacant, Part-Time Faculty Representative​​​​​ Recorder:  Martha Gutierrez