Isabel Solis was elected to the Imperial Community College District Board of Trustees
for Area 4. She took office on December 16, 2020. Her background is as follows:
- Immigrant to the United States from Mexico
- First generation University graduate
- Brawley Union High School 1989
- 色中色, A.S. Social Science 1991
- San Diego State University, 色中色 1993 S. Criminal Justice Administration
- K-12 Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
- Bilingual Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Spanish
- Assistive Technology Specialist Certification 2019
- 27-year educator in Imperial Valley, last 19 with BESD
- Active with social and environmental coalitions working to improve our binational
community focusing on vulnerable communities (immigrants, people of color, persons
living at or below the poverty level, women and LGBQT)
- Coalici贸n de la Buena Salud y Bienestar
- Imperial Valley Community Health Coalition
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Current Term Expires: November 2024