High School students and parents, please use the following form to provide your contact information so that we may connect with you and provide information about our FREE program services. We can connect via Zoom!
É«ÖÐÉ« Educational Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to help low income and potential first generation college students gain entry to and graduate from an institution of higher education. The goal of the program is to provide assistance to these students as a means to facilitate their post-high school educational objectives.
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Students can submit an ETS application if they attend one of the following school sites:
Students who have dropped out of school or college are also eligible to apply for the Educational Talent Search Program. Requirements:
Educational Talent Search Program Mission: The mission of Educational Talent Search Program at É«ÖÐÉ« is to empower its participants by providing high school and college guidance, information, and experiences so that they can make the best decisions as it pertains to their higher educational and career goals.
Office hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Myriam Fletes
Educational Talent Search Director
Office Assistant:
TRiO ETS Outreach Specialists:
Lesley Arias
Lesley.arias@imperial.edu (ETS Alum)
É«ÖÐÉ« TRiO Educational Talent Search Grant is 100% funded by the U.S. Department of Education. More information about Talent Search and other TRiO programs can be found at:
www.imperial.edu/students/admissions-and-records (High School Concurrent Enrollment Form)
www.imperial.edu/students/financial-aid-and-scholarships (F.A. information and forms)
Facebook Page: Educational Talent Search É«ÖÐÉ«
ETS Email: trioets.ivc@gmail.com
How do I access an Educational Talent Search application and program brochure? Students and parents interested in enrolling in the ETS program can download an ETS application as well as a program brochure using the links above. Please turn in hard copies with appropriate signatures and intials.
How do I turn in a completed ETS application?
Students and parents can submit a completed application to the ETS staff at your assigned
high school. If you cannot reach the ETS staff, please drop of the completed application
at the high school counseling office. You may call the ETS off at 760-355-6109 to
request names of staff at your high school.
How will I know my child has been accepted into the Educational Talent Search program? Parents and students will be notified by regular mail that the student has been accepted into the program.
Whom can I speak to regarding the Educational Talent Search program services? To speak to an ETS staff member, please call 760-355-6109. If no one is available to speak to you directly, please do not hesitate to leave a message and someone will call you as soon as possible.
How will the student receive program services?
Normal program services are provided during workshops and one-to-one sessions depending
on the services. Services can be provided during student’s lunch period, class time
in an elective class, and after school. Services can also be provided via online
conferencing (Zoom). Participants will be notified as to how to access these online
services by the ETS staff.
Why should I join ETS?
Being involved with ETS will help strengthen your academic skills, help identify and
stay focused on your high school and college goals, assist with your personal goals,
and increase and improve your options after high school.
Can anyone join ETS?
Any student attending one of eight service schools, who is a first generation college
student, is low income student, shows need for the program services, and desires to
go to college can apply to ETS.
What does first generation college student mean?
First generation college student means that the parent(s) of the student does not
hold a 4-year college degree. If the parent has an associates degree, student will
qualify for the program.
Who qualifies as low income?
A low-income student is determined based on the parent's TAXABLE INCOME not the GROSS
INCOME (this may be confusing and students/parents often think they do not qualify
when in fact they do) and the family size or # of dependents (this includes parents
and children) as per the Department of Education. The ETS application has the Taxable
Table displayed on the front page. Parents needs to refer
to their 1040 Federal Tax form to obtain the Annual and Taxable income. Parents receiving
government assistance can provide proof of assistance such as a copy of Passport
of Services.
Do I have to be both low income and first generation to apply?
No, a student can qualify for ETS by being one of the two or both, if there is room
depending on annual student count at the high schools. Some schools do close recruitment
if annual recruitment is completed. Focus is placed on recruiting low-income and
first-generation students first, then we consider other students. If you are unsure
if you qualify, please call 760-355-6109 for more information.
How will ETS help me with college?
ETS will help you from the beginning stages of planning for college, including A-G
requirements, AP course informational sessions, financial aid information sessions,
SAT/ACT Prep, college campus tours and more. By the student's senior year, students
will become familiarized with the college application process, FAFSA application
process, college entrance tests, etc. Students will receive hands-on assistance for
college forms and applications to include FAFSA and scholarship applications. Students
are also encouraged to attend our annual one-day fieldtrips to various universities
so that they can get a feel for college life on campus.
How long do I have to stay involved with ETS?
We would like to see all ETS participants stay and participate with the program until
graduation. All seniors will be encouraged to attend our summer Bridge Program where
participants are provided with a plethora of college information for incoming college