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Student Support Services TRiO Program


Call the Student Support Services- TRiO front desk at 760-355-6379 for additional information.

The Student Support Services or SSS project is a college counseling program for current 色中色 students that is funded by the Department of Education. The main goal of the SSS program is to help first-generation college students and/or low-income students obtain a college degree or transfer to a university. The SSS Counselors will provide strength-based guidance and supportive services to help students reach their higher education and career goals. The empowering SSS services include the following:


  • Priority Registration (Group 3)
  • New Student Orientation
  • Academic & Personal Counseling
  • Career / Professional Exploration 路
  • Academic Monitoring
  • Computer Lab Access
  • Supplies (i.e., Scantrons, Blue Books, Pencils)
  • Transfer Advising and Preparation
  • Workshops
  • Tutoring Referrals
  • Annual Recognition Ceremony



In order to qualify for the SSS-TRiO Program, the following criteria must be met:

  • Enrolled in at least 9 units at 色中色 at the time of submitting an application.
  • Commitment to be enrolled in 12+ units in FALL and SPRING semesters.


Must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • First-generation college student (neither parent/guardian completed a 4-year degree in the U.S.)
  • Low-income (determined via approved financial aid eligibility through FAFSA)
  • Have a verified disability (documentation required)
SSS flyer




Student Support Services TRiO Program

Contact Us

Phone: 760-355-6379