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Citing OER for Articulated Courses

Reference Guide for Citing Open Educational Resources (OER) on the Course Outline of Record (COR)

04/01/2021 色中色 OER and Curriculum Committee

OER Textbook Articulation Notes:

  • The UC and CSU welcome the use of online texts and other Open Educational Resources (OERs), so long as the resource is a stable, bona fide textbook, and not just a collection of links to lecture notes or other web pages. We also recommend keeping at least one traditional textbook (commonly accepted in the field) on the COR.
  • CSU and UC campus departments consider the content of textbooks when reviewing course-to-course articulation proposals and Course Outlines of Record (CORs) from the California Community Colleges.
  • OER materials in the textbook section of the COR must include a publication date and a revision date (if appropriate). To meet articulation requirements, both online and traditional texts must be dated within seven years for most course submissions.
  • A general statement citing OER equivalent resources does not meet the textbook requirement for articulation.

OER Textbook Citation Requirements for the 鈥淭extbook鈥 section of the COR:

  1. Author(s) and/or Compiler(s) (last name first)
  2. Title
  3. Edition or version (if beyond 1st)
  4. Publisher, publication year or revision date
  5. ISBN and/or URL. License.


Dillon, Dave. Editor, Curator, Compiler. Blueprint for Success in College and Career. Version 1.3. Rebus Community, 2018. ISBN 9781989014042, . Licensed under CC BY 4.0. 

OpenStax College. Introduction to Psychology 2e. OpenStax, 2020 (web version last updated January 7, 2021). ISBN-13: 978-1-951693-23-7, . Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Gordon, Elizabeth. Chemistry and Global Awareness. LibreTexts, 2021 (last updated March 15, 2021). .  Licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0.

OERs as Supplemental Material:

  • The following electronic teaching materials would not be adequate to meet the requirements of articulation and transfer as a textbook, but could be cited in the supplemental readings sections of the COR:
    • Faculty course notes made available on a website
    • A collection of scholarly journal articles available online


Guide to Citing OER for Articulated Courses

A guide from 色中色's OER and Curriculum Committees [PDF]