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World Languages & Communication Studies

Learn a new language. Explore other cultures. Deepen your global knowledge. Gain important job skills.

We offer 4 different languages for you to choose from. Our helpful and knowledgeable faculty guide you through the process of language acquisition and cultural understanding, and our extracurricular opportunities will further enhance your view of our world.


Our Language Programs

American Sign Language

  • Intro to Advanced Classes
  • AA Degree


  • Beginner's Classes


  • Intro to Intermediate Classes
  • AA Degree


  • Intro to Advanced Classes
  • AA and AA-T Degree



Transfer Requirement

If you are planning to transfer, you need to complete 2 semesters of a language other than English.

From that point, enhance your career options by taking more advanced courses and getting a degree in the language. The benefits include:

  • Meeting your "Language-Other-Than-English" requirement for transfer.
  • Get ahead in your career.
  • Develop the language and cultural skills to help you in your future career in an increasingly global community.
  • Develop your current bilingual skills to an academic/professional level.


Why learn a foreign language



Placement Exam:

Who needs to take a placement exam?

  • If the student speaks Spanish, he/she DOES NOT need to take a placement exam. They should register to Span 220.
  • If the student is a Spanish major and speaks Spanish, he/she should register in Spanish 220 NOT Spanish 100.
  • If the student took two years of Spanish in High School (with a passing grade) he/she should provide counselor with Transcripts and the counselor should fill out a Prerequisite Clearance Petition Form and email it to Dr. Jos茅 Salvador Ruiz at jose.ruiz@imperial.edu Prerequisite Clearance Petition for Spanish
  • Non-native students or students that do not Speak Spanish and need to take the Spanish Placement test must to follow these steps: Please remember that only students trying to register for Span 110, 200, 210 and 221 (and have not taken the previous class in the sequence) need to take the placement exam.
  1. Email jose.ruiz@imperial.edu with subject line: Placement exam and the class they want to take. For example: Placement Exam Span 110
  2. Make sure they use their 色中色 email when they email Dr. Ruiz.
  3. Wait for an invitation to a Canvas course titles Spanish Placement Exam.
    1. They will receive a password for the exam.
    2. They will have 60 minutes to finish the exam.
  4. Once they take the exam, they must email Dr. Ruiz to let him know they have completed it.
  5. Dr. Ruiz will notify the results to Norma N煤帽ez and she will input the score in the database so that the student can register in the desired class.

World Languages & Communication Studies